The Black Mental Health Manifesto

The Black Mental Health Manifesto is a collective call for systemic change to address the mental health inequities faced by Black communities in the UK, influenced by structural racism and discrimination. The manifesto outlines specific demands for government action, including reforms to the Mental Health Act, the end of harmful hostile environment policies, and the incorporation of an anti-racist and diverse curriculum in education. It advocates for community-driven research and a systemic overhaul of policies to improve mental health outcomes for Black individuals.

One of the recommendations made in the Manifesto is that “Cultural competency and anti-racism training must be made mandatory for all practitioners, policymakers, and funders.” We wholeheartedly support this recommendation for mandatory cultural competency and anti-racism training. As an organisation dedicated to providing cultural competency training we understand the profound impact that culturally informed and anti-racist practices have on improving workplace dynamics.

At Nafsiyat, we support the strides made by the Black Mental Health Manifesto in advocating for transformative UK policies that would protect and enhance the mental health experiences of individuals from Black communities. It is initiatives like these that catalyse real change, ensuring mental health care is both inclusive and effective, for all.

To learn more and read the manifesto, click here.


Nafsiyat Case Study: A’s Path to Confidence