Ben’s Path to Empowerment: A Case Study

Today we'd like to share the story of Ben, whose journey through therapy at Nafsiyat offers a glimpse into the profound impact of intercultural understanding and support.

Ben, a man in his late forties with Mediterranean roots, found himself at a crossroads when the stress of daily life began to erode his health and work. Despite his hardworking nature, Ben faced a struggle that was invisible but deeply felt. It was a struggle shaped by the cultural tapestry of his upbringing and the silent expectations of gender roles within his family.

Turning to Nafsiyat for help marked Ben's first step into the world of therapy, prompted by a referral from his GP. As a full-time worker in a manual job, a husband, and a father, Ben's life was a balancing act that had started to teeter.

A pivotal moment came during the ninth session. It was a turning point where trust deepened, and Ben shared more of his inner world, allowing for a shift in perspective. This breakthrough led to a series of realisations for Ben. He began to recognise the shades of grey in situations he had once seen in stark black and white. With guidance, he learned to manage his emotions and articulate his needs more clearly, carving out a space for his own wellbeing amidst the family dynamics.

The intercultural approach of Nafsiyat was instrumental in this transformation. It allowed Ben to examine and challenge the cultural expectations that had silently dictated his life. Viewing these norms from the fresh perspective of a therapist with a different cultural background, Ben could question and redefine what they meant for him.

We hope you've found Ben's story enlightening. How do you see the role of therapy in such transformative journeys?


At the end of January, we were delighted and honoured to be visited by two doctors from the from University of Bergamo, Italy.


Nafsiyat’s CEO, Yasin Ahmed, Passes the Bar